Primary 2

The Primary 2 course prepares students on subject based learning where they will learn subjects such as languages, mathematics,science, art, music and social studies.
Course Structure
The course consists of 10 modules - English, Mathematics, Science, Chinese, Filipino, Music, Arts and Crafts, Social Studies, Physical Education and Values Education.
Module 1: English
The Primary English module is focused on six key areas- Reading, Listening, Speaking, Grammar and Vocabulary, Writing and Composition.
Listening, Reading and Viewing - Identifying the main ideas and details of the texts. Learners will also be taught how to make simple generalisation, predictions and inferences and how to respond to different texts e.g.; sharing their own opinion or retelling stories.
Speaking- Learning to speak with accurate pronunciation and intonation, building confidence to read aloud and present ideas clearly. Learners will be able to demonstrate his understanding of spoken grammar by sharing ideas and point of views with his classmates.
Grammar - Learners will be taught the language in use through verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc. this will lead him to apply his knowledge of grammar to complete written and oral activities.
Vocabulary - Learners will be guided in developing a greater range of vocabulary as well as skills for deducing the meaning of unknown words.
The words and phrases they have learnt will be able to support their development of reading, writing, listening and speaking.
Writing and Composition - Learners will be guided in planning and organising ideas to produce a variety of texts,narratives,letter etc.Organising text and paragraphing will also be taught.
Learning Objectives:
- Develop reading skills by the usage of punctuation and pronunciation
- Acquire knowledge on grammar and to frame their own sentences, word orders and phrases
- Develop usage of vocabulary that helps in the progress of listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills
Module 2: Mathematics
It is based on mathematical problem solving. It involves concepts, skills, process, metacognition and attitudes.
Primary 2 mathematics involves Numbers and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics.
Learning objectives:
- Acquire knowledge on Whole Numbers and Addition and Subtraction.
- Develop ability to understand Fraction, Length, Mass, and Volume.
- Acquire knowledge on time, money, 2D/3D shapes and picture graphs.
Module 3: Science
It will facilitate the teaching of Science through an adaption of instructional model - Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration, and Evaluation.
Learning objectives:
- Develop understanding on human body parts, animals and plants.
- Acquire knowledge on air, water and on the ground.
- Able to understand the characteristics of day, night and different seasons.
- Able to acquire knowledge and understand the sources of light head shadows, heat and sounds.
- Develop understanding of forces, tools, electricity and magnets.
Module 4: Chinese
This is an entry-level Chinese course designed for Primary school 1st grade students whose first language is English. English will be used as the medium to conduct lessons and facilitate learning. This course aims to develop the basic speaking and listening skills which fulfill students’ the very basic needs of daily life communication.
Learning objectives:
By the completion of this course, students should be able to:
- Understand more complex conversation on daily life and respond to it properly.
- Use the language knowledge they have learned to generate conversation in more complex situations such as making a phone call, taking leave and transportations as well as talking about hobbies, etc.
- Pronounce the basic vowels: a o e i u ü with tone marks accurately.
Module 5: Filipino
Knowledge acquisition of the language and develop further the language necessary for reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Learning objectives:
- Continuously practise the effective listening skills to enhance understanding of lessons.
- Answer queries relevant to Filipino stories listened to
- Listen and follow one step direction
- Reply on queries asking who, what, where and why of the Filipino stories given as materials
- Construct simple directions using the Filipino language with at least 2 – 3 steps
- Express one’s thoughts and emotions or feedbacks about Filipino stories listened to and relate to one’s experience
- Verbally report in Filipino the things observed and events witnessed in school, family and community
- Continue developing the reading skills in Filipino
- Put sounds together to produce Filipinio words to read
- Identify the sounds that make the syllables of Filipino words
- Read correctly diphthongs and cluster sounds in Filipino alphabet
- Develop better skills in writing correctly and properly in Filipino
- Produce vertical strokes from top – down direction and round strokes too
- Use correctly capital and small letters, same as punctuation marks in phrases and sentences relevant to material used in Filipino lessons
- Spell more Filipino words with 3 – 4 syllables learned from Filipino lessons
Module 6: Music
Covers the fundamental elements of Music such a pitch, timbre, volume, notes or musical notation; the use of each note as pitch in a master staff, application of rhythm or time, note intervals, key signature, music scales and chords.
Learning Objectives:
- To gain knowledge on musical beats such as strong and weak; its meaning and its characteristics
- Understand further rhythm and tempo in music and identify it from the songs provided
- Perform and sing with hand signs
- Name music patterns shown in a musical piece
- Acknowledge the presence of the conductor in singing a score, his importance in musical performance
- Sing chosen musical scores while responding positively and correctly the conductor’s instructions
- Participate actively and apply learned concepts in a group when ask to sing in parts
- Appreciate own musical inclination and of others same as respecting differences regarding musical talents/skills acquired
- Positively encourage peers to join and enjoy provided experiential activities
Module 7: Arts and Crafts
Entails to artistic expressions of one’s feelings and thoughts relevant to local and international celebrations valued by the school and community such as Chinese New Year, National Day, Christmas, Deepavali, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, etc. Likewise, creative means to communicate love and appreciation to significant others such as family members, friends and teachers, etc and to Mother Earth by promoting the use of recyclable materials aside from the usual and different art media commonly known and available:
Learning Objectives:
- Determine the definition of Art
- Identify different kinds of drawing, different lines, shapes, textures used in Art
- Express one’s idea about self, peers, school and family using different drawing tools/mediums of Art
- Tell the different colours, the groupings of colour and apply it on their chosen Artwork
- Experience painting, making prints and designing with abstract as a concept using other art and recycled material from the surrounding materials and even recycles
- Differentiate 2D and 3D Artwork and create samples for both
Module 8: Social Studies
Social Studies will count all courses in Anthropology, Economics, Government, History, Geography and Sociology, as well as courses the General Education areas Ethical Reasoning, Societies of the World.
Learning Objectives:
- Acquire knowledge on different Asian countries’ culture and customs.
- Able to acquire knowledge on important places of Asian countries and its political figures.
- Able to understand famous personalities in the world who work for Social cause and Society.
Module 9: Physical Education
Focuses on the body and physical skills. It emphasises education in movement or the psychomotor domain. Enable students to demonstrate individually and with others the practices and values to enjoy a lifetime of active, healthy living.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe body shapes and actions and demonstrate them
- Create own body shape and action
- Differentiate and experience momentary stillness in symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes
- Demonstrate movement skills appropriate to music and sound
- Characterise proper posture and model one while moving at the same time
- Execute movements in a location, direction, level, pathway and plane
- Provide opportunities to construct movements involving persons, objects, music and environment
- Engage in enjoyable activities while being particular with appropriate movements expected and maintaining harmonious relationships with peers
Module 10: Values Education
Composed of social and experiential activities leading the students to reflect on proper care, on their love, respect and contribution to the development of self and others which include their classmates, friends, family members, neighbours, community and the world at large.
Learning Objectives:
- Relate with peers and classmates genuinely and respectfully as they can be similar and even if they have identified their differences in terms of physical characteristics, abilities, skills and interests
- Demonstrate the specific and expected roles appropriately as a child at home, as a student in school and a responsible citizen of the community.
- Improve and change the identified weakness to become good habits in order to create a safe and sound environment
Delivery Mode
Classroom learning, lessons to be conducted at Edvantage Institute (Singapore).
Course Duration
12 months, Full-Time.
All our teachers are registered with the SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG).
Primary 1 or equivalent, 8 years and above.
Assessment and Examination
- Behaviour 15%
- Attendance 15%
- Seatworks/Quizzes 30%
- Graded Recitation 5%
- Graded Term Test 35%
The performance grading will be as follows:
Grades | Marks |
Outstanding | 90 - 100 |
Very Satisfactory | 75 - 89 |
Satisfactory | 50 - 74 |
Failed | 0 - 49 |
Absent | Absent |
Graduation Requirements
Obtain a Pass in all Assessment Components.
Course Schedule and Fees
Details of course schedules and school fees can be found here.