Primary 3


The Primary 3 course prepares students on subject based learning where they will learn subjects such as languages, mathematics,science, art, music and social studies.

Course Structure

The course consists of 10 modules - English, Mathematics, Science, Chinese, Filipino, Music, Arts and Crafts, Social Studies, Physical Education and Values Education.

Module 1: English

The Primary English module is focused on six key areas- Reading, Listening, Speaking, Grammar and Vocabulary, Writing and Representing.

Listening, Reading and Viewing - Identifying the main ideas and details of the texts. Learners will also be taught how to make simple generalisation, predictions and inferences and how to respond to different texts e.g.; sharing their own opinion or retelling stories.

Speaking- Learning to speak with accurate pronunciation and intonation, building confidence to read aloud and present ideas clearly. Learners will be able to demonstrate his understanding of spoken grammar by sharing ideas and point of views with his classmates.

Grammar - Learners will be taught the language in use through verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc. this will lead him to apply his knowledge of grammar to complete written and oral activities.

Vocabulary - Learners will be guided in developing a greater range of vocabulary as well as skills for deducing the meaning of unknown words.

The words and phrases they have learnt will be able to support their development of reading, writing, listening and speaking.

Writing and Composition - Learners will be guided in planning and organising ideas to produce a variety of texts,narratives,letter etc.Organising text and paragraphing will also be taught.

Learning Objectives:

  • Develop reading skills in Prose and Poetry.
  • Acquire knowledge on grammar by understanding the usage of tenses, direct and indirect speech.
  • Able to acquire knowledge in vocabulary and able to comprehend visual texts, passages, and open ended comprehension text type.
  • Acquire knowledge on writing and drafting leave letters and requisition letters to teachers and principal.


Module 2: Mathematics

It is based on mathematical problem solving. It involves concepts, skills, process, metacognition and attitudes.

Primary 3 mathematics involves Numbers and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics.

Learning objectives:

  • Develop understanding on Counting, adding and subtracting up to thousands.
  • Able to do multiplication and division using 6,7,8,9.
  • Develop understanding on fractions, measuring length, mass, volume, time and money.
  • Able to acquire knowledge on perimeter, angles and lines.


Module 3: Science

Communication in science, knowledge and understanding of science, scientific inquiry, processing data, attitude in science. Primary 3 Science involves- Read, interpret, concepts, highlight, elaborate and solve.

Learning objectives:

  • Able to understand the general characteristics and classification of living and non-living things.
  • Acquire knowledge on diversity of materials and magnets.
  • Able to understand the human digestive system and parts of plants.


Module 4: Chinese

This is a basic-level 2 Chinese course designed for Primary school 3rd grade students who have grasped basic 1 knowledge. English will still be used as the medium to conduct lessons and facilitate learning. This course covers the speaking and listening skills as well as language knowledge needed in learning environment and social activities.

Learning objectives:

By the completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Understand the conversation in the learning environment and social activities then respond to it properly.
  • Pronounce the basic vowels: a o e i u ü plus consonants and tone marks accurately.


Module 5: Filipino

Knowledge acquisition of the language and develop further the language necessary for reading, writing, speaking and listening.

Learning objectives:


  • Listen critically and comprehend well the Filipino material used in the lesson
  • Role play the Filipino poem cited and heard
  • Draw the message of the Filipino stories provided as materials
  • Reply on questions relevant on the Filipino stories shared on the class


  • Introduce oneself properly in Filipino language
  • Use polite Filipino words appropriate in greeting, conversing, inviting others, appreciating kindness and expressing sincere apologies
  • Verbally share observations from the environment and community
  • Speak up with appropriate and correct tone, stress, speed and intonation


  • Combine consonants, vowels and cluster sounds to produce Filipino words
  • Shows awareness on parts of the books and the relationship of the Filipino language and symbols
  • Describe elements of Filipino stories (character, setting, plot)


  • Continuously learning and practising writing Filipino with correct spelling, punctuation marks while observing the proper mechanics in writing a paragraph, letter correspondents
  • Writes relevant information regarding event described from the materials given in Filipino lesson or based on the environmental observations as instructed
  • Express in written one’s feeling, thoughts and opinions about given topic or issue from Filipino subject


Module 6: Music

Covers the fundamental elements of Music such a pitch, timbre, volume, notes or musical notation; the use of each note as pitch in a master staff, application of rhythm or time, note intervals, key signature, music scales and chords.

Learning Objectives:

  • Consistently applied music concepts learned previously even in folk songs/music
  • Learned new fundamental concepts in music such as rhythm names, staff and letter names, bar and bar lines
  • Introduce musical instruments such as the recorder and other wind instruments
  • Provide opportunities to explore and try the recorder and other wind instruments available
  • Emphasize the high and low notes heard and sung from native songs
  • Learn canon and partner songs and execute properly in a class
  • Understand music dynamics, its purpose and importance
  • Become aware of the instruments used in orchestra
  • Cooperate in activities provided be it individual, partner or as a group
  • Enjoy musical activities with peers and teachers while performing the expected tasks and achieve the lessons’ goals


Module 7: Arts and Crafts

Entails to artistic expressions of one’s feelings and thoughts relevant to local and international celebrations valued by the school and community such as Chinese New Year, National Day, Christmas, Deepavali, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, etc. Likewise, creative means to communicate love and appreciation to significant others such as family members, friends and teachers, etc and to Mother Earth by promoting the use of recyclable materials aside from the usual and different art media commonly known and available:

Learning Objectives:

  • Provides opportunities to create artworks of people and with geometrical designs as product of closed observation to natural environment
  • Expose to more painting experiences in a landscape with highlights on foreground, middle ground and background.
  • Identifies artistry of local artists in Singapore, Philippines and India
  • Practise printmaking on cloth, cards and dyeing on shirt
  • Create unique 3D free standing figures using any suggested materials such as clay, wood, metal and recycled materials as well like empty boxes, etc.
  • Gain pride through sharing of their ideas and outputs during presentation and displays


Module 8: Social Studies

Social Studies will count all courses in Anthropology, Economics, Government, History, Geography and Sociology, as well as courses the General Education areas Ethical Reasoning, Societies of the World.

Learning Objectives:

  • Develop knowledge on Seven continents of the World.
  • Able to acquire knowledge on World War- II
  • Able to acquire knowledge on famous personalities of the World.
  • Develop knowledge on Geographical conditions of Asian countries.


Module 9: Physical Education

Focuses on the body and physical skills. It emphasises education in movement or the psychomotor domain. Enable students to demonstrate individually and with others the practices and values to enjoy a lifetime of active, healthy living.

Learning Objectives:

  • Strengthen body parts and remember body shapes and movement
  • Introduce and expose to conditioning and flexibility exercises to improve better body posture
  • Describe and perform movements according to appropriate speed, weight and force when
  • Execute both locomotor and nonlocomotor skills
  • Involve in folk dances, rhythmic routines and organized games with peers
  • Demonstrate movements in response to sound heard
  • Participate in relevant activities individually, with a partner or in a group using materials available with consideration on recycled and improvised materials either in indoor or outdoor setting


Module 10: Values Education

To develop an understanding of values education strategies;
To consider the relation between values and personal behaviour affecting the achievement of sustainable futures;
To reflect on your futures awareness, commitment and actions; and
To develop skills for using values clarification and values analysis in teaching.

Learning Objectives:

  • Develops knowledge on sensitivity, punctuality, neatness, scientific attitude, sportsmanship, equality, brotherhood, co-operation, tolerance, respect for elders and non-violence.
  • Able to acquire knowledge on Cognitive, psychomotor and affective domain.


Delivery Mode

Classroom learning, lessons to be conducted at Edvantage Institute (Singapore).

Course Duration

12 months, Full-Time.


All our teachers are registered with the Committee for Private Education (CPE).


Primary 2 or equivalent, 9 years and above.

Assessment and Examination

  • Behaviour 15%
  • Attendance 15%
  • Seatworks/Quizzes 30%
  • Graded Recitation 5%
  • Graded Term Test 35%


The performance grading will be as follows:

Grades Marks
Outstanding 90 - 100
Very Satisfactory 75 - 89
Satisfactory 50 - 74
Failed 0 - 49
Absent Absent

Graduation Requirements

  • Obtain a Pass in all Assessment Components.

Course Schedule and Fees

Details of course schedules and school fees can be found here.