Studying in Edvantage Institute (Singapore)

Attendance and Punctuality

Students are required to attend all course sessions and attendance is marked daily. The following consequences apply should a student's attendance fall below 90%:

  • not be eligible to renew the Student Pass
  • be barred from the final examination
  • the School will not issue a Certificate of Attendance.

* Students may also be subject to further disciplinary actions by the School.

In addition, the Singapore Immigration and Checkpoints Authority will also be informed if a Student Pass holder is absent for 7 or more consecutive days, or if the attendance falls below 90 percent in any calendar month.

For all other students who do not require the Student Pass, course attendance must be at least 75%. Students will not be penalised if their absence is authorised by the school. They may apply in writing, for an authorised absence for the following reasons:

  • Medical or dental appointments with a licensed practitioner ( a medical or dental certificate must be presented);
  • Grave illness or death of a close relative or returning to home country;
  • Performance of religious duties;
  • Graduation ceremony of a recognised educational institution;
  • Interview for a job or place at an educational institution; or
  • Participation in a regional or national event.

An absence related to an illness is considered an authorised absence if the absence is documented by a certificate from a licensed medical practitioner.


Students are expected to be in class on time. Students will only be allowed to enter the class  after the break should they be more than fifteen minutes late for class.

Course Workload

Homework will be assigned on most days and there is a weekly writing assignment to complete. There are also two other assignments, 1 individual presentation and 1 group presentation. These assignments will account for a percentage of your final course grade.

Course Materials and Educational Technology

Apart from books, the School also uses educational technology, which includes audio visual materials and the Internet. There is a school-wide wireless Internet network which students can log on to.

Course Assessment

Assessment for Certificate in International English - Elementary / Intermediate / Upper Intermediate / Advanced courses
Preparatory Course for Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE)

Your grade in this course will be based on the following components:

  • Assignments (30 percent)
    There will be 8 major writing assignments  as well as 2 presentations, 1 individual presentation and 1 group presentation. The marks from the 2 presentations  and the average score of the writing assignments will  contribute to the marks for  this component.

  • Mid-Term and Final Term Examinations (20 and 40 percent respectively)
    Two examinations will be conducted, one midway through the course, and the other towards the end. The examinations will test all the four skills of the language.

  • Class Participation (10 percent)
    Class participation takes up 10% of the total marks.

Item Percentage
Mid-Term Exam 20%
Final Term Exam 40%
Assignments 30%
Class Participation 10%
TOTAL 100%

Assessment for Preparatory Course for International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

Your grade in this course will be based on the following components:

Item Percentage
Mid-Term Exam 10%
Final Term Exam 20%
Individual Presentation 10%
Group Presentation 10%
Essay 20%
Project Work 30%
TOTAL 100%

Assessment for Preparatory Course for Admission to Government Schools

The course assessment will be based on two assessments, a mid-term examination and a final-term examination for English and Mathematics.

Assessment for Preparatory Course for Singapore Cambridge General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level) Examination

In addition to assigned homework, students will have to do a number of hours of self-study every day. A test will be conducted every 6 weeks to allow the school to monitor students' progress.


When doing assignments, cheating will not be condoned by the school. Disciplinary action will be taken against anyone caught plagiarising for their assignments.

Student Survey

A student survey is conducted once during the course. This is an opportunity for students to tell the School about their experience studying in Edvantage Institute (Singapore). Feedback will help the School serve its students better.

Student Performance

Edvantage Institute (Singapore) is committed to ensuring that our students remain employable. Should students and graduates require our student performance data, please email us at