Preparatory Course for International English Language Testing System (IELTS)


The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) assesses the language ability of candidates who need to study or work where English is used as the language of communication. It is recognised by universities and employers in many countries, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the USA. It is also recognised by professional bodies, immigration authorities and other government agencies.

You can take the IELTS at any one of more than 270 centres in over 100 countries. Your results will be available within two weeks.

The IELTS Examination

The IELTS tests your skills in listening, reading, writing and speaking. All candidates take the same listening and speaking modules, but you may choose either academic or general training modules for the reading and writing tests. You are recommended to select the academic module if you are planning to enroll in a university. If you are planning to undertake non-academic training or work experience or emigrate to an English-speaking country, the general training module will more closely suit your needs.

The IELTS test is 2 hours and 45 minutes in duration and consists of listening, reading, writing and speaking modules.

Course Structure

The IELTS course focuses on developing the fours skills tested in the exam. The course focuses on the following:

  • getting familiar with the examination;
  • developing skills, such as increasing reading speed and planning an essay;
  • coming up with examination strategies;
  • developing academic vocabulary and polishing grammar; and
  • sitting through practice tests.

Edvantage Institute (Singapore) Curriculum Objectives

Proficiency in Oral Language 
Develop effective speaking skills for academic and social purposes including conversations, classroom discussions, short talks, formal discourse and oral presentations.

Proficiency in Listening Comprehension
Be able to listen to and understand the details in various listening contexts.

Proficiency in Reading (including Reading in the Content Areas)
Be able to apply appropriate techniques to read and analyze level texts.

Proficiency in Writing
Demonstrate competence in managing the writing process and producing effective written products.

Proficiency in Social and Cultural Adaptation
In addition to the objectives described above, the underlying objective of the courses is the nurturing of self-pride and self-identity in each pupil’s linguistic and cultural heritage.

Learning Outcomes

The IELTS course focuses on developing the four skills tested in the exam. The course focuses on the following:

  • learn how to interpret and describe graphs in writing;
  • learn how to write a discursive or opinion essay;
  • learn how to read and interpret academic texts;
  • answer comprehension questions on written texts as found in the IELTS examination;
  • learn how to identify specific information and infer point of view in written texts;
  • take part in discussions and practice the speaking skills required in the IELTS examination;
  • perform with confidence in the oral component of the examination;
  • learn how to take accurate notes from a spoken text or dialogue; and
  • listen to a variety of spoken text types of the kind used in IELTS exam.

Delivery Mode

Classroom learning, lessons to be conducted at Edvantage Institute (Singapore).


All our teachers are registered with the SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG).

Course Duration

6 months for both Full-time and Part-time.


A student will only be admitted should he satisfy either of these pre-requisites:

English at the advanced level or through a placement test conducted by Edvantage Institute (Singapore); or

A pass in English or equivalent in your home country.

Age Requirements

16 years old and above.

Assessment and Examination

A test is conducted every 6 weeks, culminating in the final course examination. Your teacher will write a detailed course report which includes your grades in listening, speaking, reading and writing, as well as an evaluation of your progress in the class.

Your grade in this course will be based on the following components:

Item Percentage
Mid-Term Test 20%
Final Term Test 30%
Assignment (Individual Presentation) 10%
Assignment (Group Presentation) 10%
Assignment (Essay) 20%
Project Work 10%
TOTAL 100%


Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive an in-house certificate within 21 days from the last day of the course.

Your performance grading will be as follows:

Grades Marks
Distinction 80 - 100
Credit 65 - 79
Pass 50 - 64
Fail 0 - 49
Absent Absent

Graduation Requirements

Obtain a Pass in all Assessment Components.

External Examination

Please refer to for test dates

External Grading and Certificate

You will receive your test results within two weeks of taking the IELTS test. Your score is reported as a number between 1 and 9 for each module, as well as an overall score. A score of 9 is the best possible, and indicates that you are an expert user of English. A score of 1, on the other hand, indicates that the candidate cannot use English. The overall score, as well as the scores for listening and reading, are reported in half bands. The writing and speaking scores are reported in whole bands.

You can take the IELTS at any one of more than 270 centres in over 100 countries. Your results will be available within two weeks. You are not allowed to repeat the test within 90 days at any centre.

Course Schedule and Fees

Details of course schedules and school fees can be found here.