School and Government

Private Education Act

PEIs operating in Singapore must have good corporate governance systems in place and these systems must cover the finances, facilities and teachers, as well as partnerships with overseas universities.

Edvantage Institute (Singapore) and the Private Education Act

The Private Education Act has many provisions, all designed to ensure that private schools in Singapore have high standards. Edvantage Institute (Singapore) aims to not just meet these requirements, but to exceed them. These are the measures the School has introduced for its students:

Student Contract

The Student Contract which is used by the School conforms to the Standard Student Contract format on the SSG website. Every student is required to sign a Student Contract with the School. To learn more about how private education in Singapore is regulated, please visit the SSG website.

The Student Contract states the rights and obligations of the student to the School, and vice versa. Students are encouraged to read and understand the Student Contract before signing. A sample copy of the School's Student Contract can be found here.

Fee Protection Scheme

The Fee Protection Scheme (FPS) serves to protect students' fees if the School ceases operations for any reason. The FPS also protects the students if the School fails to pay penalties or has judgements made against it by the Singapore courts.

All course fees are insured by Lonpac Insurance Bhd. The course insurance begins from the time a student pays the fees and it will be in effect for the entire duration of the course. The cost of the insurance is borne by the School.

All claims made from the course insurance must be accompanied by the Certificate of Student Insurance, as well as original receipts for  fees paid.

A copy of the master FPS insurance policy is available here.

Medical Insurance Coverage

The School arranges medical insurance coverage for students' hospitalisation and related medical treatments for the entire duration of the course. Purchase of medical insurance is compulsory for citizens or permanent residents of Singapore, only if they do not have their own medical insurance coverage.

The coverage entitles one to:

  • coverage at a value of at least S$20,000.00
  • admission to at least a B2 ward in government and restructured hospitals
  • 24 hour coverage in Singapore and overseas (if you are involved in school-related activities)

All medical insurance coverage is provided by Income Insurance Ltd. The company has provided a product summary and FAQ and a benefits schedule.

Enhanced Registration Framework

The Enhanced Registration Framework (ERF) defines standards for corporate governance, service quality, student protection and information transparency. Edvantage Institute (Singapore) is registered under the Enhanced Registration Framework and a copy of the Enhanced Registration Framework certificate can be found here.


EduTrust is a mark of quality that the school has attained high standards in its corporate governance and administration, academic processes, student protection and support services as well as financial viability.

For more information on the EduTrust, please refer to the SSG website.