Primary 6
The Primary 6 course prepares students on subject based learning where they will learn subjects such as languages, mathematics,science, art, music and social studies.
Course Structure
The course consists of 10 modules - English, Mathematics, Science, Chinese, Filipino, Music, Arts and Crafts, Social Studies, Physical Education and Values Education.
Module 1: English
The Primary English module is focused on six key areas- Reading, Listening, Speaking, Grammar and Vocabulary, Writing and Representing.
Listening, Reading and Viewing - Identifying the main ideas and details of the texts. Learners will also be taught how to make simple generalisation, predictions and inferences and how to respond to different texts e.g.; sharing their own opinion or retelling stories.
Speaking- Learning to speak with accurate pronunciation and intonation, building confidence to read aloud and present ideas clearly. Learners will be able to demonstrate his understanding of spoken grammar by sharing ideas and point of views with his classmates.
Grammar - Learners will be taught the language in use through verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc. this will lead him to apply his knowledge of grammar to complete written and oral activities.
Vocabulary - Learners will be guided in developing a greater range of vocabulary as well as skills for deducing the meaning of unknown words.
The words and phrases they have learnt will be able to support their development of reading, writing, listening and speaking.
Writing and Composition - Learners will be guided in planning and organising ideas to write drafts;editing one’s work; rewriting and revising texts to produce a variety of texts,narratives,letters etc.
Learning Objectives:
- Develop reading skills, strategies strengthened by exposure to wide reading and viewing.
- Acquire knowledge of grammar for the purposeful use of language at the word, phrase, sentence and text levels.
- Demonstrate a rich vocabulary that supports the development of listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing and representing skills.
- Develop the skills of speaking in public forums.
- Acquire knowledge on Asian English literature.
- Elaborate stories by using rich vocabulary.
- Analyse literary texts through summarizing and interpreting symbols.
- Analyse Dramas through characterization.
Module 2: Mathematics
It is based on mathematical problem solving. It involves concepts, skills, process, Metacognition and attitudes. Primary 6 maths divided into 3 branches -Numbers, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics.
Learning objectives:
- Able to acquire more knowledge on Algebra, whole numbers, patterns,fractions and decimals.
- Develop understanding on percentages, ratio and speed.
- Able to understand circles, volume, angles and 2D/3D shapes.
- Acquire knowledge on average and data analysis.
Module 3: Science
It is based on knowledge, understanding and application; skills and process; ethics and attitudes.
Primary – 6 science involves skills as to read, interpret, conceptualize highlight, elaborate and solve.
Learning objectives:
- Develop understanding on forces and conservation of energy.
- Acquire knowledge on adaptation and man’s impact in his environment.
- Able to acquire knowledge on Natural disasters.
- Develop understanding on Solar systems.
Module 4: Chinese
This is an advanced Chinese course designed for Primary school 6th grade students who have grasped basic 2 knowledge. English and Chinese will both be used as the medium to conduct lessons and facilitate learning. This course covers the language knowledge needed in social activities and next stage study (secondary school).
Learning objectives:
By the completion of this course, students should be able to:
- Conduct the appropriate conversation in learning environment and social activities.
- Improve the accuracy and fluency of their pronunciation and conversation.
- Pronounce the complex vowels: ai, ei, ui, ao, ou, iu accurately.
- Use the knowledge they have learned to further their Chinese language study in Secondary school.
Module 5: Filipino
Knowledge acquisition of the language and develop further the language necessary for reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Learning objectives:
- Give detailed information about the learning materials in Filipino which have been listened to
- Role play the highlights scene and the moral lessons from Filipino stories assigned to listen to
- Predict possible outcomes of the events cited and heard from the Filipino learning materials
- Apply correctly the figures of speech learned ahead like noun(pangngalan), pronoun(panghalip), verb (pandiwa) pang abay (adverb) I’m expressing phrases or sentences about specific theme or topic
- Verbally share possible solutions posted by the learning materials in Filipino or by the teacher in charge
- Converse well with confidence and understanding in different situations while using various sentences taught in Filipino
- Join and participate actively on group activities that will allow students to be creative and cooperative in expressing themselves like readers theatre, speech choir(sabayang pagbigkas)
- Understand familiar and unfamiliar Filipino words with the use of dictionary
- Learn appropriate library skills and the use of available library system for better reading experiences of Filipino learning materials
- Continue acquiring new words in Filipino based on the learning materials provided
- Converse with others while using the newly acquired vocabulary words correctly
- Show interest in writing one’s ideas and feelings though original literary work piece in Filipino like stories, poems, essays and biography
- Express oneself and thoughts in a form of slogan, scripts written in Filipino
- Shares written works with confidence to peers and Teachers
- Join and participate on literary fests in Filipino (written form) in and outside of school settings
- Make simple reaction or reflection papers, researched on interested topics written in Filipino
Module 6: Music
Covers the fundamental elements of Music such a pitch, timbre, volume, notes or musical notation; the use of each note as pitch in a master staff, application of rhythm or time, note intervals, key signature, music scales and chords.
Learning Objectives:
- Consistently review to master musical concepts in line with rhythm, melody, form, timbre, tempo, dynamics, texture and harmony
- Identify notes and rests used in songs provided under different time signature
- Create rhythmic patterns following other time signatures
- Demonstrate the ability to sing, read and write musical notations in different major scales
- Sings and plays solo or with group songs in melody in C major,G major and F major
- Creates and composed simple melodies in C major,G major and F major
- Analyze musical forms of different songs same as the characteristics of Western orchestra
- Identify different textures of vocal and instrumental music
- Express one’s emotions and ideas through song writing following the musical concept learned and mastered throughout the musical course
- Share one’s creation to peers and teachers in and outside classroom setting with confidence and respect to others’ original creation
Module 7: Arts and Crafts
Entails to artistic expressions of one’s feelings and thoughts relevant to local and international celebrations valued by the school and community such as Chinese New Year, National Day, Christmas, Deepavali, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, etc. Likewise, creative means to communicate love and appreciation to significant others such as family members, friends and teachers, etc and to Mother Earth by promoting the use of recyclable materials aside from the usual and different art media commonly known and available:
Learning Objectives:
- Introduce the use of technology in Arts
- Learn the basics of logo making and produce one for self and for others
- Transfer knowledge of designing by drafting in computer application
- Understand Photography and experience compiling captured photos
- Appreciate individuals outputs through school display or centred based exhibit
Module 8: Social Studies
Social Studies will count all courses in Anthropology, Economics, Government, History, Geography and Sociology, as well as courses the General Education areas Ethical Reasoning, Societies of the World.
Learning Objectives:
- Acquire knowledge on the famous personalities of the world who are responsible for social causes.
- Develop knowledge on the Agriculture system of the World.
- Able to acquire knowledge on different explorers of the World.
- Develop knowledge about Natural resources of the World.
- Able to acquire knowledge on Worlds art and architecture.
- Develop knowledge on the geographical condition of the different parts of the World.
Module 9: Physical Education
Focuses on the body and physical skills. It emphasises education in movement or the psychomotor domain. Enable students to demonstrate individually and with others the practices and values to enjoy a lifetime of active, healthy living.
Learning Objectives:
- Value the importance of physical activities and the consistent assessment one’s physical fitness
- Identify hindrances for becoming physically fit
- Formulate personal and individualized physical fitness goals
- Understand the characteristics and nature of sports
- Perform skills necessary for different sports
- Learn and acquire basic first aid for sports related injuries like sprain, cramps, etc.
- Acknowledge individual differences and manifest acceptance to this varying skills and abilities
- Aim to see the joy and social support one can receive through sports
- Keep the cooperation and sportsmanship through this course
Module 10: Values Education
Composes of social and experiential activities leading the students to reflect on proper care, on their love, respect and contribution to the development of self and others which include their classmates, friends, family members, neighbours, community and the world at large.
Learning Objectives:
- Create systematic procedures in solving problems to be encountered
- Give importance to respecting others, their responsibilities and talents, skills and other strengths
- Consciously understand and obey the society’s law, rules and regulations
- Show creativity and critical thinking and offers same to peers
- Strengthen faith, hope and positivism
Delivery Mode
Classroom learning, lessons to be conducted at Edvantage Institute (Singapore).
Course Duration
12 months, Full-Time.
All our teachers are registered with the SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG).
Primary 5 or equivalent, 12 years and above.
Assessment and Examination
- Behaviour 15%
- Attendance 15%
- Seatworks/Quizzes 30%
- Graded Recitation 5%
- Graded Term Test 35%
The performance grading will be as follows:
Grades | Marks |
Outstanding | 90 - 100 |
Very Satisfactory | 75 - 89 |
Satisfactory | 50 - 74 |
Failed | 0 - 49 |
Absent | Absent |
Graduation Requirements
Obtain a Pass in all Assessment Components.
Course Schedule and Fees
Details of course schedules and school fees can be found here.